Sunday, April 28, 2013

All things sewing~

I honestly can't thank my loving mom-in-law (Nadine) enough for teaching me how to sew (& giving me her sewing machine)! I bought some window panels to put on our pantry storage in our laundry room (the storage area doesn't have doors) though the panels are a foot too long. I'm going to hem them today and will take photos later.

I also went to Target yesterday and purchased some pleasing comfy pj's as I know when baby boy is born that guests will want to come see him. This mommy to be has some ratty looking pj's & bought new. Two of the pj pants are too long and I'll be hemming them today as well! :)

After that I'll be sewing baby boy a couple of new blankies! Oh I love spending time in my craft room!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Pool Fun~

I can't resist posting some pool time fun~ oh the wonderful life! Living in Tucson makes for a spectacular pool season!

Adam & Todd~ not only are they fire partners, but I think they're secret lovers too!

What in the world is Adam trying to communicate?

Belly flop!

Todd being silly!

Project paint bathroom completed!

Yay~ I just finished painting my bathroom in beachy colors! I'll post photos once I've got it all together~ super happy to have that checked off my list of things to do!

Dreading today~

I've been meaning to repaint my bathroom now for almost a month. I've been putting it off and off, and I must get to it this weekend! I'm on call next weekend at work and don't want to start a large project and get called in right in the middle (that's the type of luck that I have). And our baby shower will be shortly after that so I have to get it done! I'm sitting down to my first cup of coffee and am hoping to muster some energy. I have a couple of sewing projects that I'd much rather be working on, perhaps once I finish painting.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Taggy Blankie for little man~

While at my favorite fabric store (Quilters Market) I purchased some plush fabric to make a taggy blankie that I've had my eye on for quite some time now (thanks to Pintrest). After procrastinating my creation finally came to fruition! Here are some pics.

Here are the instructions~

Materials needed:

Two pieces of minky or plush cut into a 19" square
Assorted ribbons in a variety of colors & textures


Round the corners of the plush or minky by tracing around a cup or a curved surface & trim away excess

Cut the ribbons into 3" lengths. You will need about 24-27 pieces

Lay one piece of fabric with right side up, fold a piece of ribbon into a loop with raw edges together & pin to one edge of the material with raw edges of the ribbon even with the rad edge of the plush/minky (looo wukk be toward the center of the square). Continue around the square, positioning the ribbons on all four sides of the square. Baste around the square at 1/4" to secure the ribbons. Lay the second square of plush/minky face down over the first & pin squares. Stitch around the blankie at 1/4" seam, leaving 3" opening to turn blankie. Turn. Stitch the opening closed. Top stitch around the outside edge 1/4" from edge to secure layers.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Good news & bad news~

Good news first, Sam asked me to go to her doctors appointment this Thursday. This is an amazing step in our short relationship. She just texted me to tell me that her older son was rubbing her back and told her that she has a tiny baby in her tummy. She told him that they are going to give the baby in her tummy to us, he looked at her and said, "So Nikki & Adam can be a mommy and a daddy." Oh boy, here come the tears!

On another note, I met with my lactating consultant today (a nurse friend that I use to work with @ St Joe's) and she told me that I can't wear sports bras! This is the WORST NEWS EVER! I'm being 100% serious here guys, this is similar to stealing candy from a child! Wearing sports bras will reduce the amount of breast milk that I produce, and by all means I don't want to restrict this! Yet wearing a bra is just so uncomfortable as my breasts are growing larger by the minute since starting my lactating medication. I know what you're thinking, go bra-less, yeah right! Not with these babies!!! Yes mom, this is the only time that I truly wish I hadn't gotten breast implants. This is the first time in 11 years that I've regretted that decision!

Friday, April 19, 2013


While I know that it's important for baby to stay in mommies tummy, my nesting has resorted to cleaning the bathroom door with an old toothbrush. Oh God~ what's next?!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Our little man~

Adam & I were able to see our little man David Michael today for the first time~ our due date was bumped from July 12th to July 8th. He's measuring at two pounds (I don't remember ounces). Here are a couple of his profile photos.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Forgot to mention~

While at Target the other day I found this gorgeous KitchenAid mixer. I'm 100% sure that I should register David Michael for this mixer, some how I believe he NEEDS it! :) OK, OK, a girl can dream can't she?

Babies R Us~

Adam & I ventured to Babies R Us to register for David Michael, what a blast! My feet are aching, they feel as though I am a floor nurse all over again after working a long 12.5 hour shift!

I was ready to tackle our baby registry!

Here are a few photos of my craft room. Keep in mind that I don't have drapes up or wall hangings yet.

Craft room before~ I was clearing things out, this isn't truly what it looked like.

A few shells from our trips to Mexico & The Bahamas

I live in my pjs~

Here's the ric rac blanket I made for DM~

Friday, April 12, 2013

My baby mama~

Since the flu bug made it to Sams house this week I asked my mom if she would make Sam and her 3 boys homemade chicken noodle soup. I hand delivered it this morning and got to spend time with her and her boys. They were cautious of a new person at first yet quickly warmed up to me. By the end of our meeting they were climbing all over me. :)  It was so nice for Sam to see how I am around children, and I got to say hello (again) to my future little man. It's difficult as I want to say so many words to my little guy, but have to respect Sam and her feelings, I truly don't want to overstep my boundaries! Perhaps once we build our friendship/relationship I may have the chance to say more to him. Off to bed for the night~ will post ultra sound photos on Monday.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

My boobies are in for a ride~

Being the granola mom that I am I decided upon breastfeeding our little man. Who knew that you could breastfeed an adopted baby!? It's all thanks to a miracle pill domperidone. I started the routine (4 times per day) this morning, and will continue to take them until I'm finished breastfeeding. I shouldn't have difficulties, but there is a possibility due to my breast implants. This is so exciting, though I'm not looking forward to engorged and swollen boobs.

On another note, Samantha (our birth mommy) & I have been texting frequently. We have bonded so quickly. She told me in a text this am that since we've been in communication that she feels so much more at peace with her decision of adoption. Her boys had the stomach bug that's going around with vomiting and diarrhea. She phoned our social worker crying as she went through an entire box of diapers in one day. I made a Costco run yesterday and purchased a large box of diapers and wipes and gave them to her yesterday. She was so appreciative, nearing the end of our meeting she opened her arms for a big hug. I also got to say hello to my son. :) It's these little moments in life that warm my heart.

We have an ultra sound appointment Monday morning. I'll post the photos like a proud mama would! :)

By for now!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Fun had at work~

The other night at work one of my co-workers (Cris) told me that she had a baby for me. To my surprise it was a warm 3L bag of normal saline wrapped in a baby blanket. Earlier in the night two of the scrub techs made a cape for me that said "SN" for super nurse. It's always nice to have fun at work, especially with everything that we see!

Super Nurse to the rescue!

I stole my friends phone while at work~

Friday, April 5, 2013

My life is all boy~

Working is the last thing on my mind at the moment... The only thing I want to focus on is my nesting for my little man to be. My thoughts are consumed with things to prepare, things that I want to sew and create. If only there was a way that I could still bring my monthly income in but be a stay at home mom, or mommy to be...

Thursday, April 4, 2013

A big ball of tears~

While shopping at Fryes yesterday (our local grocery store) I decided to stroll down the baby aisle to check on diaper sales. Upon looking at all things baby I started balling, right there in the middle of the aisle. Thank God no one was around, other wise they may have had me committed! I can't wait to be a mommy, this is the most amazing feeling ever!

I just thought of the very first time I spoke to my son while at our birth mommy meeting the other day. While rubbing Samantha's tummy I said, "Hi baby." Oh my, this brings tears to my eyes again. I'm such a sucker for this little guy and he's not even born yet! Some one is going to have his mommy wrapped around his pinky! 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

We're going to be parents!!!

Our dream has come true, we're finally going to become parents! We have a little boy (David Michael, after our dads) who is due July 12th. The birth mom has delivered 1-3 weeks prior with her other 3 children, therefore this baby will more than likely come early.

I was filled with emotions that I've NEVER felt yesterday, I had to go into work shortly after finding out our great news. I found myself during surgery crying out of excitement! The doctors would look at me & I explained why I was such a hot mess, everyone understood! :)

It's time to truly kick into overdrive now! While we have the basics for our nursery, we need to start pulling things together! We still need to purchase a gliding chair, blinds, and the basics. Oh my God, I'm going to be a mommy! My eyes are filling with tears again, this is so exciting! I don't think that life could get any better. Well, perhaps it will once he's in my arms.

I'll write more later~

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Our meeting~

The meeting went well, now is the hardest part... The wait... The birth mommy has a great head on her shoulders and we seemed to click. I feel that I'm in such a bubble of emotions right now, this is an odd spot to be in. I'll post more once we hear.



We're leaving in 20 minutes to meet with our potential birth mommy, my stomach is churning. I feel as though I'm going through menopause @ 32, these hot flashes are killing me! I am so excited, yet so very nervous. I'll write after our meeting, we should find out today if we're going to be parents. Fingers crossed!

Monday, April 1, 2013

My diet

My diet for the last 24 hours has consisted of 7-up, Jello and pop cycles. I acquired a flu bug and it has kicked my arse! I'm on the mend and am looking forward to our meeting tomorrow with the potential birth mommy!