Sunday, June 22, 2014

Flowers, Plants & More Flowers!

I was able to set some (much needed) time aside to plant some flowers, plants & seeds! I haven't been able to do this since March of 2013! It's amazing how once you have a child many of life's leisure's are placed on the back burner!

Not the best photo~ this was taken tonight with my cell phone.

Michael's 11 Month Photos

Leave it to me to take Michael's 11 month photos a week from his 12 month birthday! It's better late than never!

Look at those teeth! He's got 3 teeth coming in on the top!

He's got the "Duck Lip" pose down perfectly!

His little smile melts my heart!

He's such a pill! The last couple of months he is more interested in tearing the "month" stickers up!

Action shot!

Father's Day~

We had a wonderful Father's Day with time spent our pool (at 8 am) followed by breakfast, nap time & then went to my parents house for more time had in their pool!

Michael's going after Daddy's plate...

Thank God for dogs! They clean up after our messy little man!

Nap time for Walter

Playing with ice cubes

Bubble time