Friday, June 30, 2017

June's Sew Sampler Goodies

June's Sew Sampler box arrived from the Fat Quarter Shop! I'm pretty excited about the contents of this box as they are all things that will get great use. I'm not sure I would have bought these items alone (aside from the ribbon), which makes them a special treat. I totaled the items up & found that this box retails $65.88, however with my monthly subscription, it equaled $25! What a steal!

The Bee Basic 5" stacker is to be used with the Bubblegum Kisses fabric to make the Bubblegum Kisses quilt pattern.

I've fallen deep for the ribbon, as it's so adorable! I'm excited to use the Clover dome threaded needle case as you store your pre-threaded needles into it with no tangles. We shall see!

The white and blue fabric is the bubblegum kisses finishing kit.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

The Big F O U R

Today my little buggy turns four! Where has the time gone? It feels as though just yesterday we were in the hospital, enjoying the sight of our little one. It has been so joyous watching Michael flourish into the little person that he is. While he doesn't have our genes, he takes after Adam & I on so many levels!

Being a mommy can be challenging, although I would do it again if I had the chance. I adore how warm, generous, and active our little man is. He's my version of perfection. Buckle up Michael, mommy and daddy are going to take you for an adventure through your life!

We have a fun day ahead of us, I suppose I'd better get a cup of coffee and get ready!

This is fitting as my right arm tattoo has a large infinity symbol with the time that Michael was born.

Michael's birthday truly was one of the happiest days of my life, however it may take second place to the time that we found out the his birth mother signed over her rights. We didn't have the worry or the what if's.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Reflecting on My Sunshine

It's amazing to think that we were beginning to prepare for the birth of our son four years ago tonight. I recall receiving the call that it was "go time" and finishing up a trauma case in the operating room myself. I can't begin to count the number of people that I called or texted that Friday night. Fast forward to four years later and I have an amazing little man that I cherish.

One of Michael's and my favorite songs is You Are my Sunshine. I've recently fallen in love with the version in the YouTube video above. Last night I sang You Are My Sunshine to Mikey and he fell asleep to my singing. I love that he finds such comfort in my voice, my touch, my everything.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Home Sweet Home~

Look at how boring and brown Tucson is!

Oh Oregon, how beautiful and green you are!

I had to take a photo of the green grass!

The street I grew up on!

One of the two of my favorite Oregon bridges!

My second favorite bridge!

Mo's, you never let us down!

I could get use to this!

Add caption

Goodies In The Mail~

Don't mind our noisy AC unit in the background!

Friday, June 23, 2017

Hodgepodge of Goodies~

I had to share this with you, as it melted my heart last night. Michael had fallen asleep next to me last night while I was watching a show. I peered over at M and saw how precious he looked, and had to cuddle with him. M grabbed my arm and pulled it over him and said, "Mama, mama, mama" and went back to sleep. I just adore these little memories!
This was shortly after he fell asleep~

I'm too exhausted to do homework, so I'm blogging instead!

I began to look at these photos on Father's Day and found that Adam and my dad were both holding Michael in the same manner. This was the first time either of them held M.

Riley Blake, who is one of my favorite fabric lines has been posting these hilarious little memes on Facebook. This one is so fitting!

Let me tell you how absolutely excited that I am to be so close to the finish line! My hard work has paid off, and I've got a secret to tell you all! I can't tell it just yet... But the time is coming! Did you know that Banner has a slew of clinics and hospitals throughout Colorado? You may be asking yourself how does this affect my career? Banner is paying for a large portion of my tuition, $10,000 out of the $16,000 grand total! I signed a contract that I would continue to work for Banner for two years upon graduation

Thursday, June 22, 2017

My Baby~

It's hard to believe that four years ago today, Adam & I were living day by day, wondering if Michael's birthmother would go into labor early. By this time, our hospital bags had been packed & ready to go, and the car seat's were installed in both my Jeep & Adam's Xterra. I hadn't yet met Michael, although my love was growing deeper and deeper.

Michael has been doing the cutest little cuddle with me in the morning (he's been sleeping with us). When he first opens his little eyes, he nudges his little head into my arm, stomach or boobs, and says in a sweet little voice, "mama, mama, mama." The love that I have for our little man is unimaginable. I have never known a love like this!

Mommy/baby date!

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Fun On the Mini Fire Truck

I love that we can provide these memories for Michael! Watching him smile and hearing him giggle helps to remind me how happy he is. 

Fire House Fun, Part 1

Daddy helping Mikey up the ladder

Heading up to the bucket~

Holding onto daddy tightly!

This kid is either going to be a medic, a fire fighter, or a nurse... It's in his blood!

Pure excitement~

I remember when Mikey fit into Adams helmet as an infant!

Wearing daddies respiratior

Adams ladder truck

No big deal, just playing with the jaws of life...

Pure amazement

Look @ how clean his booty is.

Now take a look at how dirty it is!

This is where the guys fill their O2 tanks.

Just us three~ and Michael's blue cupcake frosting mustache.