Monday, June 24, 2013

A case of the Monday's

It never fails, here we are again on a Monday! If it were up to me everyday would be a Sunday as they are my favorite day of the week! I decided yesterday that I truly don't have enough hobbies and decided to pick up cross stitching too! I dragged poor Adam to Joann's yesterday and picked up a couple of few cross stitch patterns. I bought one to make for my mom-in-law as she lives on coffee (she adds a few cups of decaffeinated too). Though I suppose you have to drink lots of coffee keeping up with her two twin grand-daughters!  I also picked one up for me as well~

I thought I should try a new hobby that would bring some form of relaxation that I can work on while in the hospital for baby boys birth. I am afraid that the first 72 hours (until she can sign over her parental rights) are going to be pure hell. While our social worker and I don't see any red flags as to why she would change her mind, it's still in the back of my head.

I just started on my mom-in-laws coffee pattern and now don't want to go to work!!! I am enjoying my morning and want to stay home to relax. Oy vey it is a bummer that you have to work in order to pay your bills! I'm trying to scheme up an idea where I can work from home yet make the salary that I do as a nurse. My only idea is to become a drug dealer. This way I don't have to get out of my jammies if I don't feel like it, I don't have a boss, ect. Although I do worry about drive byes, so perhaps I'll have to think of another job. :(

Here's my little project~ 

This is the pattern that I'm creating for my mom-in-law~

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