Saturday, October 5, 2013


My cold has gotten the best of me, I am absolutely fed up with this congestion! This is day five and I'm so exhausted, it doesn't help that Michael has been fussy today either!

I decided to take extra call tomorrow (at work) during the day to help earn a little extra $$$, however now I'm wishing that I hadn't! Fingers crossed that I won't be called in as I have so many fall projects that I want to work on! One of which is stringing fall colored leaves (that I bought from the dollar store while living in Oregon) and hanging them in our front windows. The next is creating mason jar Halloween lanterns. I've come across these fun ideas from Pintrest (I'm addicted). Here are a few pictures of what I'm thinking...

I would also like to finish a few things around the house, such as hemming some sheers that will hang in our laundry room window, lots of laundry (it's never ending), grocery shopping for this weeks lunches & dinners, and cleaning house (my least favorite thing of all). Adam & I are planning on heading to Aqua Caliente (it's a warm springs park near by) tomorrow evening as I've got to start shedding some of my baby weight! I've gained 15 pounds and am so uncomfortable in my own skin. I told Adam that it's time for a diet (he started his last week) and exercise. With the temperatures starting to cool down it makes it enjoyable to be outside in the weather. Well, it's a Saturday night and I'm ready to hit the nest! Better rest up in case I'm called in tomorrow! Good night everyone!

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