Friday, November 29, 2013

The Countdown Continues!

Our countdown continues for our court date to finalize our adoption! T-minus 10 days!

Our (other) countdown for Christmas is only 25 days! Oy vey, it amazes me to think of where Adam & I were this time last year. We had just begun our adoption journey, look at us now!

Tomorrow (Saturday) Michael & I are going to meet up with his tummy mommy and brothers at the zoo! I swear that Mikey is the luckiest boy as this will be his third trip in less than 2 months!

I decided to stop breastfeeding Michael as it's been 8 months now (I started 3 months prior to his arrival). It's gotten quite expensive as I pay $125 (per month) for my lactation pills, $55 (per month) to rent a hospital grade breast pump, and an extra $20 ish for my herbs to help produce breast milk. It has gotten to the point where it's excruciating to breastfeed as Michael will turn his head every which way (while attached to my boob). I had been exclusively pumping and feeding it in a bottle, but I've simply reached the point where I'm ready to be finished with it. I give moms who go longer respect, but to each their own!

I'd better get some beauty rest as I've got a long day ahead of me tomorrow. I'll post an amazing dessert recipe for my mini pie bites as well as our zoo photos.

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