Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Oh Dear, 36 Is Here!

Wow, it's hard to believe that I've turned 36 y/o today! Where has the time gone? I bet my parents feel old!

I woke up to the most sweetest little gift this morning. Michael woke up (as he's been sleeping with us), sat up in bed, hugged me, and said, "Happy Birthday Mommy!" You know you've done something right as a parent when your sweet little love thinks of you first in the morning!

I was surprised by two dozen tulips (my fave), cards, a balloon, and was then escorted to breakfast by my bestie! I then had an hour and a half massage, then traveled to the mall to purchase goodies from Bath & Body Works, and of course couldn't pass up Old Navy! I then relaxed for a bit, picked Mikey up from day care and met our friend Ali & her kids for ice cream! We then had pizza and an amazing cake! It's kind of funny, I kept telling Mikey that I wanted a beach themed cake and wouldn't you know it! Adam surprised me with one! Best life ever! I'm truly blessed to have my boys, family & friends.

I couldn't help but reminisce from four years ago today (this photo was taken today), Adam & I were on our way to the mall for my birthday surprise when I had to stop for gas. We stopped at this Shell station, and I noticed an e-mail from our adoption agency stating that a birthmother wanted to meet us. We read her profile and immediately said that we were happy to meet her! Little did I know that God was bringing our little boy to us! This was by far the best imaginable birthday gift!

Three years ago today, the four photos below were taken. Adam, Michael & I met my mom & dad at a rocket launch put on by my dads work. Michael was in love and watched every moment! We then went to one of my favorite quilting stores, where when I departed from said quilt store, I found Adam reading to Mikey.

 Num, num!

 Michael's always been a snuggler! I cherish these moments while I can!

My bestie knows me all too well! Anything beach themed and I'm in love!

 My ice cream date is so adorable!

 My nickname is Donkey.

Michael supervising like a boss, what he does best!

Some of my loot from Bath & Body Works~

My boys asked me what I wanted for my birthday, and of course all I wanted this year is fabric! To my surprise, Adam gave me his debit card & told me to order whatever I wanted! I've been eyeing these quilt kits since our first trip to Oregon, and decided that now is my time to have them! Woohoo!

My new glasses! I can see clearly now!

Monday, March 27, 2017

Packing Boxes?

We've been talking about where we'll move when Adam retires, which is nearing! We had obviously discussed Oregon since our family is there. The tough decision is what city would we want to live in? Of course, my dearest Jen has found an adorable little home near her, which would be ideal as Michael would be ever so close to his cousins!

I've always love little yellow houses, & could easily see placing a white picket fence up! This square footage beats our measly 2,034 square foot house!

Clearly, this would be my crafting room!

 Love the backyard space for Michael & the pups!

However, we've recently thought about moving to Colorado as my brother & his family are there, including my grandma, cousins, Auntie & UJ, and others! I would love to move where there would be four seasons, including snow! I stumbled across this adorable home. It needs a bit of remodeling, however it has a mother-in-law suite which my parents could live in! Full bedroom, kitchen, living room, bath, etc. in the basement!

Regardless of where we move, we'll need a new Jeep with 4 WD, & how fitting that I ran across these two beautiful Jeep's while I was thinking about Colorado the other day!
Adam said he wanted to live near water, and this place is near Stanley Lake!

 I love the space in the kitchen! It will need a new facelift, but it's a wonderful start!

 Look at the space!!!

But then of course, we decided to peruse a home being built in Tucson, which Michael & I fell in love with!

I'm loving the living room windows!

The master bedroom~

My craft room would be the room to the right! It has two large windows~

 Mommy's little explorer!

I fell in love with the open concept of the kitchen, living room & dining room!

Our car looks great parked out front!

Decisions, decisions!

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Surf & Turf, And A Little Fabric~

Adam treated Michael & I to a surf & turf dinner as Safeway had some fantastic deals! It was Michael's first time eating lobster, & of course he fell in love! He takes after his mommy!

Checking out what dad's doing.

 Daddy needed some help according to Mikey!

Supervising like a boss!

Of course you can see that Otto's helping too!

Being the fabriholic that I am, I had to take a trip to my favorite quilting store. I am so proud of myself, I only purchased one yard of on sale fabric!

 I came across these adorable little sayings on Pintrest and fell madly in love!

Amen for ending the night with a positive thought and a grateful heart! I am most thankful for my family, including the fire fighter family that we've acquired throughout the 13 years that Adam's been on! They have always been one of our biggest support systems!