Saturday, May 27, 2017

My Name Is Michael~

Today I am reflecting on my childhood, and what a wonderful one it was. I cherish the memories that I hold deep in my soul. I recall many times traveling a short distance to one of my cousins house on the weekend, or during the summer, or having one to three of my cousins stay with us. I recall camping along the Nestucca river many times throughout the year. I also recall camping at Gold Beach, which I wrote about in fifth grade, and I stumbled along that paper the other day. I have so many fond memories of traveling to my grandparents house in Colorado, as I would stay for a week or two throughout the summer. My grandma had purchased an adorable towel with a teddy bear on it, which I have held onto. I also recall going to McDonalds and some sort of a children's museum with my auntie and two of my cousins. They sure don't make playgrounds at McDonalds as they use to!

Having these memories has made me realize how much I want to move and be near family, as I want Michael to have memories to reflect on later in life. I am anxiously awaiting Adams nearing retirement so we can pack the years of memories that we've made in Arizona, to move near family! I am ready to leave Arizona, as I have such a desire to be near family. Thirteen years here, and I never thought I'd say that I'm ready to move, as the weather is amazing. Yet it all comes back to family.

My grandma and I had a song that we would sing together, which the words are listed below. What I find fascinating is that it's about a little boy named Michael. How fitting is it that our little mans name is Michael? Perhaps it's a coincidence, although I think it was a preconceived notion!

My name is Michael
I've got a nickel
I've got a nickel shiny and new
I'm going to buy me some cotton candy
That's what I'm gonna do

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