Thursday, August 17, 2017

Storm Aftermath~

The sound of the stream and the birds is absolutely heartwarming to my soul! It's not usual to hear such beautiful water sounds while in AZ! You'll likely have to turn your volume up to hear the harmony.

Yesterday after I left work, Adam, Michael & I decided to trek Tanque Verde wash. What is a wash you may be asking? Well, for us who live in Arizona, it's a dry riverbed throughout most of the year. The exception is during monsoon season, when torrential downpours occur, typically filling the dry beds with anywhere from a few inches to many feet of water.

We were surprised to see the damage that occurred during the past storm, which I've posted photos of the trees down on the apartment building. Michael had a great time, and was busy finding tadpoles and frogs galore. I unfortunately didn't change out of my scrubs, and wish I would have in order to trek through the beautiful little stream.

This is usually a street that travels through Wentworth, however the storm tore the street to pieces.

On a hunt with daddy~

Silly boy was trying to plank in the water!

This is the aftermath after stumbling onto my booty while trying to save my phone from falling in the water.

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