Sunday, January 14, 2018

Hello 2018~

I have embraced the beginning of 2018 with positive hopes and prayers as it is going to be my year to shine! We're settling into our new home quite nicely, although have a few boxes yet to unpack. I've got new paint colors set aside in addition to a few new pieces of furniture! We've got many photos hanging on the bare white walls, however have yet to hang the curtain rods & heavy items requiring anchoring screws. With time it will come, we sometimes need simple time to relax and breath.

I figure it's a good time to share a few final photos from 2017! Lets get started!

This is Michael's snowman family! I've got an adorable video that I need to upload as it's M explaining who each snowman is. Pictured are Mikey, Otto, Meaty, mommy & daddy. That's odd, Walter (AKA Wawa) is missing... Huh, I wonder where he went?

We first played mini golf.

Played games.

Picked out prizes with the tickets we won.

Followed by a candid family photo. Mikey was eating a warhead (piece of candy) for the first time.

We then went to Toys R Us to purchase a few gifts for Michael from his grandma & papa in Oregon.

Followed by a "create your own taco" plate @ Macayo's!

We were then home and in bed by 10 pm!

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