Friday, July 12, 2013

Our Friday~

Today we took our little Michael for his two week check up and he's in the 73rd percentile for length! His pediatrician would like to see him gain a little weight as he's @ the 23rd percentile. He weighed in @ 7.6 lbs.

This afternoon babies tummy mommy asked if we could meet her, our counselor, and her friend Ali (who was at the hospital) at the mall. A little back story here~ we bought her a charm bracelet, and I have one too. I had told her that I wanted the baby carriage charm. She had bought it for me, we took her to the Brighton store (where we purchase our charms) and she picked out her birthday charm. Here's a picture of my bracelet.
Babies drunk on breast milk! 

At the Dr's office~

My charm bracelet~ first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage~

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