Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Bacon & egg toast cups~

By now you should all know that I'm a major Pintrest whore~ yes, I call it like it is! I found this amazing recipe on Pintrest & have to share it!

The recipe makes 6 toast cups, though I choose to make 9~


6 slices of bread (I used country white)
6 slices of bacon
6 eggs
1/2 cup of shredded cheese
Salt & pepper

Preheat oven to 400 degrees, spray muffin pan with butter non-stick spray.

Using a cookie cutter, cut circles out of bread slices about 3 inches in diameter. I don't have cookie cutters this size so I used a drinking glass.

Place bread circles & press them into the muffin pan, set aside

Cook bacon on a skillet until partially cooked, yet still pliable (approx 3 minutes)

Shape bacon strips into the toast cups, fill with 1 Tbs of shredded cheese. Place in oven for 5 minutes, allowing the bacon to toast a wee bit more. Remove from oven.

Scramble eggs into a bowl & fill toast cup (I used a ladle). Sprinkle with salt & pepper & bake about 10-15 minutes until eggs are baked.

Remove from oven & enjoy!

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