Thursday, August 1, 2013

How charming~

I decided to purchase a new charm for my bracelet yesterday & took Michael to the mall to tag along. He's such a wonderful baby, he sleeps through everything! I decided to purchase a maple leaf rather than the Oregon charm as the maple leaf has more meaning behind it. In my childhood home, we had a maple tree in our side yard. I remember laying on the grass under the tree & gazing up at the large maple leafs. I also remember getting into trouble & having to rake the leafs!

The maple tree in it's glory!

Here are a few of my favorite photos of my childhood home~ these were taken the month prior to my dad moving to Tucson. Keep in mind that the house was practically empty as my mom had brought most of their belongings to Tucson.

The living room~

My childhood room~

Dads shop & moms garden

Moms garden shed~

The last cup of coffee I had in the house~ 

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