Thursday, September 19, 2013

When it rains it pours!

I woke up yesterday morning and noticed that my left breast was aching, I figured I had slept in a strange position with my arm. I noticed that my breast had a few red spots, was firm to the touch, and felt quite warm to the touch. I had a hint that I was experiencing mastitis for the first time. Upon arriving at work I phoned my obgyn and asked kindly if they could call in an antibiotic (one of the pros of being a nurse, your doctors don't require you to come into the office as much). Needless to say I am grateful that I started the antibiotics as I have one mean case of mastitis.

For those of you that are unsure as to what mastitis is, it's an infection in the breast tissue when milk doesn't drain completely. It tends to show symptoms of the flu such as fever, chills, tender joints, and malaise. It's common to see redness, warmth to the touch & swelling of the breast. I unfortunately have all of these.

I truly knew that my journey into induced lactation wouldn't be an easy one, but my God! My poor boobs have taken a beating! I truly am grateful for the amazing gift of breast feeing our adopted son, I only hope that he'll be grateful for it too!

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