Monday, December 9, 2013

It's Official!!!

David Michael is officially ours! It has been a day full of emotions & tears. I woke up at 0515 and immediately started crying tears of joy. We arrived at court promptly at 0845 and were in the courtroom by 0910. Adam, Michael, our social worker & I sat at a table near the judge. A woman from the state ensured that we wanted to proceed with our adoption & asked that we will treat Michael as our own flesh & blood (again the tears started flowing). It was a mere 5 minute proceeding and we finished with pictures with the judge. The judge that was approving our adoption was the same judge that approved Adam & I to become a certified couple to adopt this past February. After court we stopped for coffee, and then met with friends & family for lunch. We all took naps shortly after arriving home & have since been lounging in our pj's! I'm off to bed as I'm emotionally drained! I have a feeling that we will all sleep well tonight!

Adam & I in front of the courtroom~ Mikey was being changed 

Waiting to go into the court room

Our little family with the judge

Us with Adam's mom & dad~

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