Sunday, April 27, 2014

Visit With Tummy Mommy~

Michael & I visited his tummy mommy & brothers today for a short while @ her home. The boys loved Michael & were fighting over who could play with him. Needless to say I was happy to head home as her boys run around like crazy children with no boundaries or discipline.

Mommy & Daddy Mini Date Night~

Adam & I stayed @ a local Radisson Suites last night for a mini staycation. We had such a nice time though we both realized how old we feel as we were cuddling in bed by 9 pm! We had a wonderful dinner & enjoyed each others company sans baby! We were disappointed as it was a cold & rainy day here yesterday which meant no pool time for us! We were going to lay out this morning however I wanted to get home to our babies ASAP!

View of The Catalina's from our balcony~

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Michael's First Easter~

Michael's first Easter was 100% perfect in my eyes! Unfortunately Adam had to work, however we went to the fire house for breakfast with the crew! The spread was overwhelming yet delicious! After the fire house Michael & I made an attempt to find somewhere to take photos near grass. We stopped at a nearby apartment complex where I found the perfect flower backdrop! We then went for a visit at my parents house where we spend the afternoon in the pool. Michael LOVED the water & I have a feeling that we're going to have a water baby on our hands! We should be starting swim lessons soon, that may sound strange to those of you that don't live in Arizona! However we spend most of the year living outside & around pools. Pool safety is of utmost importance!

I have come to the realization that having kids makes holidays so much more enjoyable. It was so rewarding to see the surprise in Michael's eyes when he first laid eyes on his Easter basket.

We just woke up~ on our way to see what the Easter Bunny brought! Don't mind the snot coming from Michael's left nostril!

He hasn't spotted his Easter basket yet!

Bingo! He found it!

Walter made a photo op! 

Here's part of the fabric alphabet that I made for him!

Michael's first attempt at trying a lemon. The looks on his face were priceless!

On daddy's bed at the fire house.

Our failed attempt of our selfie!

Michael's first time in the pool and he LOVED it!

Michael helping grandma & grandpa~

We named the hot tub the baby pool as it's the same temperature as the pool~

Grandma time~ I love the look on his face!

Prune foot!

My moms tomato plants~ 


This little bunny had a long & very fulfilling day!