Sunday, April 13, 2014

My Last Day~

I decided two months ago that my hours at work simply weren't working for my family life. Upon my return to work from paternity leave I worked 10:45 am till 7 pm, which was wonderful as I was able to have time with Michael in the morning & a little in the evening. Eventually it started to feel as though I had no family life with my boys. I attempted day shift (0645 till 5 pm) although I felt like a robot or as though I was living in the movie Groundhogs Day. It was the same thing over & over, I wanted to work 0645-3pm however our director had decided not to grant anyone those hours. I applied for a couple of positions in clinics (doctors offices) & was given a position with a family medicine clinic. I am so excited to try something new in my career & am looking forward to it! Here are a few photos from my last day as an operating room nurse.

Sandi (left) & my (right) matching shoes~ great minds think alike!

Marianne & I~

Marianne, myself & Sandi~ part of our vascular team~

Candi, Barb & myself

Mikey & I~

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