Friday, May 31, 2013

Another trip to Babies R Us~

I got out of work early tonight and decided to make a pit stop at Babies R Us. I swear they know me by my first name as I practically live there! Here are a few of the fun things I purchased. Regarding the alcohol test strips~ a dear friend of mine is in town and we're heading to my favorite little Italian restaurant (Zona 78) tomorrow with some of the Dr's from work~ I decided that this mommy to be will have a "pump and dump" night out! And I'm so happy that he's in Tucson as he's currently living in Dallas and with the tornado warnings that are current. Glad he's safe!

I would personally like to thank whoever the creator is of this genius invention!

Spider Monkey has some new shades~

Thank you Jesus for these! I'm craving a glass of pinot grigio!

I figure that DM needs an outfit for when he's hanging with the bubbies (Meaty & Otto)

This will save my knees during bath time!
I simply couldn't resist!

Sweet little swaddler

Thursday, May 30, 2013

On a lighter note

We found out that if Sam doesn't go into labor earlier than planned that she will be induced the first week of July! I feel as though I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel! 

Another large stressor recently has been that I'm hardly producing milk. I'm unsure if it's due to stress, diet, or perhaps the fact that I was accidentally wearing an under wire bra (I honestly didn't realize that I had the wrong bra on until after a couple of days). I went to the market and bought a cart full of healthy milk producing friendly foods and have noticed a difference in the short two days. I had Adam run to the local vitamin warehouse today to purchase some herbs that I've been taking (they help milk production). He purchased some organic mothers milk tea which has even more yummy herbs in it! He is so sweet and wonderful to me. He is truly the most thoughtful man I have ever known! I simply sent him for three bottles of my herbs and he thought the tea may help. I truly am a lucky girl to have him as my soul mate. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


My anxiety level has gone through the roof and I'm unsure if it will come down before baby boy is born. I finally reached my breaking point last night while at work and started bawling to Adam over the phone. I have not had much anxiety or feelings of being overwhelmed until last night. We're trying to meet with our social worker to review our tummy mommies hospital plan, yet the only day that she's able to meet Adam is working a trade shift (at work). I am beginning to feel that we're being placed on the back burner in a sense.

Perhaps it's just the unknown that scares me. We've waited so long to have a child and our time has finally come. I can't imagine having to share time in the hospital with our tummy mommy, yet she has the parental rights for the first 72 hours and what she decides has to go. She has already mentioned that she wants to spend as much time with him as possible, yet this is so difficult for me. I don't want to let him out of my arms although I know that I'm going to have to.

While I want our spider monkey (AKA David Michael) to continue to "bake" in tummy mommy's oven, I am  ready for this to all be finalized. I just keep reminding myself to breathe, that's all I can do besides having a friend at work start and IV with an ativan drip. Oh God I'd be so happy if I could do that!!!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I feel like a cow with utters~

When I lay in bed I can only lay on my back as the added engorgement is making it difficult to lay on my stomach (yeah right) or on my side. I typically sleep with both arms above my head though that's proving to be painful too. Now I understand what pregnant moms must go through with their big tummies.

I noticed that I was producing less milk than normal and realized that I was wearing an under wire bra which you're not suppose to when pumping/breastfeeding as it can clog the milk ducts. I must have been wearing under wires for at least 4 days and didn't realize it! I am almost sure at this point that I'm having prego brain blockage (that and I'm a true blonde). I went to the grocery market today and stocked up on great breast milk producing fruits, veggies, ect and can't wait to see if it helps.

I'm dying for a nice glass (or 2) of pinot grigio. I've decided to pump right before drinking a glass and testing my milk a couple of hours later to see if the alcohol is in my system. I'm telling you, this is my Italian heritage coming through strong!

Our tummy mommy is 35 weeks, and wow is he continuing to drop low! I'll keep you all posted~

Monday, May 27, 2013

I am so blessed~

I am so blessed and lucky to have found my soul mate and true best friend from a blind date. We have had our ups and downs over the past 10 years, I've made mistakes but have learned from them. The one person that has been next to me this entire time is my monkey (Adam). We had the most relaxing and wonderful day full of laughter yesterday. As we were sitting in the pool I looked into his eyes and my heart grew full of love. He is so silly and child like, yet responsible and he always ensures that our family comes first. I can't wait to see our son nestled in Adam's arms~ our baby is truly lucky to have Adam as a daddy.

Adam fell asleep on the couch last night and he was so precious upon my waking him up to tuck him into bed~ this is the sweetest face that I have ever looked at~

My monkey as a baby~ 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

My project for the day~

Thanks (again) to Pintrest, I just found my Sunday project~ only in blues and fun boy theme.

Pink & Green Bird Nursery Crib Mobile, Baby Shower Gift, Photographer Prop

Wonderful recipes

Upon many hours of finding all things delicious and fun on Pintrest I found a couple of recipes that are a must try. I made them for our baby shower however didn't take photos of the final product.

On this first recipe I used diced green chilies instead of jalapenos~ this girl doesn't like spicy foods!

Jalapeno Cream Cheese Crescent Rolls.

On to the next~ here is the most heavenly treat~ Strawberry Pretzel Salad

Strawberry Pretzel Salad Recipe

Original recipe makes 1 9x13 inch baking dishChange Servings


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C).
  2. Stir together crushed pretzels, melted butter and 3 tablespoons sugar; mix well and press mixture into the bottom of a 9x13 inch baking dish.
  3. Bake 8 to 10 minutes, until set. Set aside to cool.
  4. In a large mixing bowl cream together cream cheese and 1 cup sugar. Fold in whipped topping. Spread mixture onto cooled crust.
  5. Dissolve gelatin in boiling water. Stir in still frozen strawberries and allow to set briefly. When mixture is about the consistency of egg whites, pour and spread over cream cheese layer. Refrigerate until set.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Final touches for our baby boy~

Today I ventured out for a gliding chair with an ottoman for our son's room. I finally found the perfect fit at the Babies R Us across town and should arrive in 7-14 business days! This mama to be is in need of a comfortable pumping chair, and soon to be nursing chair! I can foresee many sleepless nights with my little man nestled in my arms. 

Here are a couple of additions I made to our progressing baby boy's goodies~

Our baby needed a summer hat! 

I LOVE the pee-pee teepee idea!

Boppy makes a tummy time pillow~ I simply couldn't resist!

I found an amazing little something to frame & place in babies room, it's called The Chosen Heart, here's a photo~

Longing for a child to love,
I'd wish upon the stars above.
In my heart I always knew,
A part of me was meant for you.

I think how happy we will be,
Once I adopt you, and you adopt me.

I dream of all the joy you'll bring,
Imagining even the littlest things.
The way it will feel to hold you tight,
And tuck you in every night.

The drawings on the refrigerator door,
And childhood toys across the floor.
The favorite stores read again and again,
And hours of games with make-believe friends.

The day you took my outstretched hand,
A journey ended, but our lives began.
Still mesmerized by your sweet face,
Still warmed inside by our first embrace.

I promised to give you a happy home,
And a loving family all your own.
A house you've now made complete,
With laughter, smiles and tiny feet.

A parent is one who guides the way, 
Know I will be there everyday.
Rest easy as each night you sleep,
A lifetime of love is yours to keep.

Longing for a child to love,
I'd wish upon the stars above.
In my heart I always knew,
A part of me belonged to you.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Nursing bras, nursing shirts, nursing bras oh my!

I want to personally thank the creator of nursing bras as they are the next best thing since sliced bread! With my recent engorgement I decided it was a necessity to shop for a good nursing bra at Motherhood. My girls are so happy now that they are in the "right fit" bra (sorry UJ, probably TMI). :)  While at Motherhood I was looking at "easy access" tanks for breastfeeding in public. I found an adorable little tank with a built in access tank underneath, while trying it on I noticed an opening in which I thought was a tear. Little did I know that it is all built for baby! Love it!!!

I'm going to start packing our hospital bag this week as mama is 34 weeks and has delivered early with her three other little ones. Here are a couple of the outfits that are a must have in our hospital bag.

Babies "coming home" outfit~

Adorable little pj's

I received a special gift last week, my dads childhood spurs

Babies room is all monkeys!!!

Don't mind the baby shower mess, but here are his drapes~

Up close drapes

Baby boy is going to capture my dads heart while wearing this~

How cute is this!? Baby boys bib~ 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

We have a lot to cover here~ try to stay focused!

I continue to fall more and more in love with my amazing husband. I phoned Adam last week while I was at work and he asked if there was anything he could do to help pumping easier on me. I told him a Costco sized bottle of pinot grigio would help immensely  he thought about it for a minute and then said, "OK, I'll run to Costco then." I told him that I was only kidding as I can't drink alcohol while pumping and freezing the milk, unless I want to "pump and dump" though I feel too guilty to do so. Upon coming home from work I found that he set up my "pumping station" with our travel pillow & remote. He is the MOST THOUGHTFUL man I have EVER known! Here's a pic~

This is who decided to help me the following morning~ 

We had our baby shower at our house yesterday~ my girlfriend Erica & I set it up. Thank God my mom & Aunt Karen came over early to help cook & set up! Here are some of the set up photos~

Here are some pics of the cake my friend (Mary) from work made~

Here are a few from the shower~

Inside joke I told ~ Sandi & Nicole couldn't keep from laughing~

Adam, Hudson & I (Erica's son)

Some of the wrapping & tissue paper~

On another note~ I have been waking up with headaches due to the added weight that my boobs have gained due to being engorged. I decided to treat myself to a massage the other day, while I am producing milk, I haven't had the misfortune of "leaking" yet. The only thing I could think of during the portion where you lay on your stomach was, "Please God, don't let me leak here for the first time!" He listened, thank heavens I didn't leak! :)

On another note~ one of my favorite songs at the moment is Crystallize by Lindsey Sterling. I have a passion for techno/dance music and love that she incorporates the violin. She's truly amazing!