Sunday, May 19, 2013

We have a lot to cover here~ try to stay focused!

I continue to fall more and more in love with my amazing husband. I phoned Adam last week while I was at work and he asked if there was anything he could do to help pumping easier on me. I told him a Costco sized bottle of pinot grigio would help immensely  he thought about it for a minute and then said, "OK, I'll run to Costco then." I told him that I was only kidding as I can't drink alcohol while pumping and freezing the milk, unless I want to "pump and dump" though I feel too guilty to do so. Upon coming home from work I found that he set up my "pumping station" with our travel pillow & remote. He is the MOST THOUGHTFUL man I have EVER known! Here's a pic~

This is who decided to help me the following morning~ 

We had our baby shower at our house yesterday~ my girlfriend Erica & I set it up. Thank God my mom & Aunt Karen came over early to help cook & set up! Here are some of the set up photos~

Here are some pics of the cake my friend (Mary) from work made~

Here are a few from the shower~

Inside joke I told ~ Sandi & Nicole couldn't keep from laughing~

Adam, Hudson & I (Erica's son)

Some of the wrapping & tissue paper~

On another note~ I have been waking up with headaches due to the added weight that my boobs have gained due to being engorged. I decided to treat myself to a massage the other day, while I am producing milk, I haven't had the misfortune of "leaking" yet. The only thing I could think of during the portion where you lay on your stomach was, "Please God, don't let me leak here for the first time!" He listened, thank heavens I didn't leak! :)

On another note~ one of my favorite songs at the moment is Crystallize by Lindsey Sterling. I have a passion for techno/dance music and love that she incorporates the violin. She's truly amazing!  

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