When I lay in bed I can only lay on my back as the added engorgement is making it difficult to lay on my stomach (yeah right) or on my side. I typically sleep with both arms above my head though that's proving to be painful too. Now I understand what pregnant moms must go through with their big tummies.
I noticed that I was producing less milk than normal and realized that I was wearing an under wire bra which you're not suppose to when pumping/breastfeeding as it can clog the milk ducts. I must have been wearing under wires for at least 4 days and didn't realize it! I am almost sure at this point that I'm having prego brain blockage (that and I'm a true blonde). I went to the grocery market today and stocked up on great breast milk producing fruits, veggies, ect and can't wait to see if it helps.
I'm dying for a nice glass (or 2) of pinot grigio. I've decided to pump right before drinking a glass and testing my milk a couple of hours later to see if the alcohol is in my system. I'm telling you, this is my Italian heritage coming through strong!
Our tummy mommy is 35 weeks, and wow is he continuing to drop low! I'll keep you all posted~
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