Sunday, January 5, 2014


After placing much thought into our decision Adam & I have decided that we will try one attempt of IVF (in vitro fertilization) this year in hopes of adding another baby to our home. We are going into our attempt with the mind set that it this is meant to be it will happen, & if it's not meant to be we are OK with that as well.

We don't have a date set as of yet, as we're waiting to have our taxes done and hopefully place a nice lump sum of money into our savings. I will have to be on birth control for three months prior to starting our cycle of IVF as it aids in controlling my endometriosis.

The cost is approximately $9,300 however my insurance will pay $5,600 per year. We may be able to subtract more money from the cost of medications depending on if my insurance will cover it. After all is said and done we're looking at paying somewhere around $3,100.

I will keep you all updated once we get closer. Here's a link of what IVF consists of.

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