This weekend turned out to be a weekend that didn't go quite as planned. Adam came down with a bug and was vomiting (both ends), I came down with another cold (my 3rd of the year) & Michael came down with conjunctivitis. Never in my life have I ever had so many colds and periods of being sick. It has got to be our little germ monster who brings these bugs home from day care, that's the only thing I can think of! Needless to say, our Saturday was spent in pj's and covered with blankies! Today we all woke up feeling better & finally stored our Christmas items away. This has been the longest that I've kept our x-mas decorations up. I'm missing our lit tree in the corner already, only 346 days until next Christmas!
After Michael was nestled into bed I decided to get back into my craft room and work on my quilt. This was something that I had planned on working on all day yesterday. Needless to say, I've completed the first portion of my first quilt! Now for the more intricate work!
On another note, Michael has taken to eating baby food like a champion! He's so precious, he'll jump toward the spoon when he's wanting more. This week we are going to start him on peas! Once we've finished trying him on his veggies we'll introduce fruit. I've had such pleasure watching the look on his face after eating my concoctions!
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