Friday, January 31, 2014

First Day of Our IVF Journey~

My dear Aunt Flow came for a monthly visit yesterday & this is the first cycle that I've looked forward to starting! Although we aren't planning on having our IVF (in vitro fertilization) cycle until June (ish), I have to have base line labs drawn & start birth control. The purpose of the birth control is to suppress my endometrial lining in my uterus to aid in making it "viable" for a little fetus to inhabit. The longer that I'm on birth control the better. I had my labs drawn yesterday & will be starting my bc today.

I'm looking forward to our journey regardless of what lies ahead for us. I'm going into this with positive thoughts & prayers. If this is meant to be it will happen & if it's not meant to be we have been blessed with our little miracle child.

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